By myst6re

FF8DISCX.IMG File Format

Almost all of the game files are hidden in the FF8DISCX.IMG (with X=disc number) file.

Root Files

In the case of a Japanese iso, the file begins directly with a list of file location and size, with the following format:

Offset Size Data
0 4 Location of file in sectors (relative to the start of the iso)
4 4 Size of file in bytes

In the case of a PAL iso, there are 5 unknown sectors (a sector = 2048 bytes in data, 2352 bytes in disk) before this list of files.


  • I do not have the American iso, please fix this article if you can.
  • We do not know how many files there are in the list, neither file names!
  • Each file in FF8DISCX.IMG are relative to the start of the iso!
ID Filename (from PC version) Notes
0 ? + packcode.bin Contains a font file (tim format)
2 field.bin LZSed
3 wm2field.tbl size= 72*24 bytes
4 ? + mmagic.bin + mitem.bin + areames.dc1 + ?  
7 ? + pet_exp.bin + ?  
9 ? + mwepon.bin + mwepon.msg + shop.bin + price.bin + ?  
11 ? + mmag.bin + mthomas.bin  
12 ? + magsort.bin  
15 ? + mmag2.bin + cyocobo.bin  
16 ? + cardanm.sp2  
17 ? + mtmag.bin  
21 mngrp.bin  
22 init.out  
23 Triple Triad (in ff8.exe in PC version) Some Triple Triad tims (LZSed)
25 battle.bin (not present in PC version)  
26 world.bin (not present in PC version)  
30 -> 127 AKAO files (music)  
128 kernel.bin  
129 sysfnt.tdw  
130 icon.tim  
131 namedic.tim  

Field Files

In the list of root files, the third file is in fact the “FIELD.BIN”. This file is LZS compressed, and contains some informations, like the list of field files position and size.

Find the file list is approximate, I am trying to find some bytes: “\x04\x00\x05\x24\x18\x00\xbf\x8f\x14\x00\xb1\x8f\x10\x00\xb0\x8f\x20\x00\xbd\x27\x08\x00\xe0\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00” (size=28), normally, there is the list right after this sequence of bytes, and before the “\x00\x00\x01\x00\x02\x00\x03\x00” (size=8) sequence.

Order of files (sorted by id):

  • D000.MCH -> D075.MCH files [id=0 -> id=76]
  • Field files (MIM, DAT and LZK) [id=77 -> id=last]

There are three LZSed files for each field: EXAMPLE.MIM, EXAMPLE.DAT and EXAMPLE.LZK (Extension names *.MIM, *.DAT and *.LZK found in PC version, field.fs > mapdata.fs > map1.bak). If you want to convert Playstation fields to PC fields format, this is a concatenation of some PC files.

First file (*.MIM)

Offset Size Data
0 4 Location of section 3 in PSX RAM
4 4 Location of section 4 in PSX RAM
8 4 Unknown data [PVP]
12 438272 Background data [MIM]
438284 (section 3) Varies Font data [TDW]
Varies (section 4) Varies Particle Image Data [PMP]

Second file (*.DAT)

Offset Size Data Section Data
0 4 Location of section 1 in PSX RAM Triggers & gateways [INF]
4 4 Location of section 2 in PSX RAM Camera [CA]
8 4 Location of section 3 in PSX RAM Walkmesh [ID]
12 4 Location of section 4 in PSX RAM Background infos [MAP]
16 4 Location of section 5 in PSX RAM Movie cam [MSK]
20 4 Location of section 6 in PSX RAM Battle rate [RAT]
24 4 Location of section 7 in PSX RAM Battle formations [MRT]
28 4 Location of section 8 in PSX RAM Sounds/AKAOs
32 4 Location of section 9 in PSX RAM Texts [MSD]
36 4 Location of section 10 in PSX RAM Particle Infos [PMD]
40 4 Location of section 11 in PSX RAM Scripts [JSM]
44 4 Location of the end of file in PSX RAM  
48 varies Triggers and gateways  

Third file (*.LZK)

Almost like the file. The main difference is that the models data are compressed.