By myst6re.
PC steam version: Offsets start from at 384 (0x0180). File is compressed with LZS.
Offset | Size | Data |
0x0000 | 2 bytes | Checksum |
0x0002 | 2 bytes | Always 0x08FF |
0x0004 | 2 bytes | Preview: Location ID |
0x0006 | 2 bytes | Preview: 1st character’s current HP |
0x0008 | 2 bytes | Preview: 1st character’s max HP |
0x000A | 2 bytes | Preview: save count |
0x000C | 4 bytes | Preview: Amount of Gil |
0x0020 | 4 bytes | Preview: Total number of seconds played |
0x0024 | 1 byte | Preview: 1st character’s level |
0x0025 | 1 byte | Preview: 1st character’s portrait |
0x0026 | 1 byte | Preview: 2nd character’s portrait |
0x0027 | 1 byte | Preview: 3rd character’s portrait |
0x0028 | 12 bytes | Preview: Squall’s name (0x00 terminated) |
0x0034 | 12 bytes | Preview: Rinoa’s name (0x00 terminated) |
0x0040 | 12 bytes | Preview: Angelo’s name (0x00 terminated) |
0x004C | 12 bytes | Preview: Boko’s name (0x00 terminated) |
0x0058 | 4 bytes | Preview: Current Disk (0 based) |
0x005C | 4 bytes | Preview: Current save (last saved game) |
0x0060 | 68 bytes | Guardian Forces: Quetzalcoatl |
0x00A4 | 68 bytes | Guardian Forces: Shiva |
0x00E8 | 68 bytes | Guardian Forces: Ifrit |
0x012C | 68 bytes | Guardian Forces: Siren |
0x0170 | 68 bytes | Guardian Forces: Brothers |
0x01B4 | 68 bytes | Guardian Forces: Diablos |
0x01F8 | 68 bytes | Guardian Forces: Carbuncle |
0x023C | 68 bytes | Guardian Forces: Leviathan |
0x0280 | 68 bytes | Guardian Forces: Pandemonia |
0x02C4 | 68 bytes | Guardian Forces: Cerberus |
0x0308 | 68 bytes | Guardian Forces: Alexander |
0x034C | 68 bytes | Guardian Forces: Doomtrain |
0x0390 | 68 bytes | Guardian Forces: Bahamut |
0x03D4 | 68 bytes | Guardian Forces: Cactuar |
0x0418 | 68 bytes | Guardian Forces: Tonberry |
0x045C | 68 bytes | Guardian Forces: Eden |
0x04A0 | 152 bytes | Characters: Squall |
0x0538 | 152 bytes | Characters: Zell |
0x05D0 | 152 bytes | Characters: Irvine |
0x0668 | 152 bytes | Characters: Quistis |
0x0700 | 152 bytes | Characters: Rinoa |
0x0798 | 152 bytes | Characters: Selphie |
0x0830 | 152 bytes | Characters: Seifer |
0x08C8 | 152 bytes | Characters: Edea |
0x0960 | 400 bytes | Shops |
0x0AF0 | 20 bytes | Configuration |
0x0B04 | 4 bytes | Party (0xFF terminated) |
0x0B08 | 4 bytes | Known weapons |
0x0B0C | 12 bytes | Griever name (FF8 text format) |
0x0B18 | 1 bytes | Weapon ID Laguna |
0x0B19 | 1 bytes | Weapon ID Kiros |
0x0B1A | 1 bytes | Weapon ID Ward |
0x0B1B | 1 bytes | Unknown |
0x0B1C | 4 bytes | Amount of Gil |
0x0B20 | 4 bytes | Amount of Gil (Laguna) |
0x0B24 | 2 bytes | Limit Break Quistis |
0x0B26 | 2 bytes | Limit Break Zell |
0x0B28 | 1 byte | Limit Break Irvine |
0x0B29 | 1 byte | Limit Break Selphie |
0x0B2A | 1 byte | Limit Break Angelo completed |
0x0B2B | 1 byte | Limit Break Angelo known |
0x0B2C | 8 bytes | Limit Break Angelo points |
0x0B34 | 32 bytes | Items battle order |
0x0B54 | 396 bytes | Items 198 items (Item ID and Quantity) |
0x0CE0 | 4 bytes | Game time |
0x0CE4 | 4 bytes | Countdown |
0x0CE8 | 4 bytes | Unknown |
0x0CEC | 4 bytes | Battle: victory count |
0x0CF0 | 2 bytes | Unknown |
0x0CF2 | 2 bytes | Battle: battle escaped |
0x0CF4 | 4 bytes | Unknown |
0x0CF8 | 4 bytes | Battle: Tonberry killed count |
0x0CFC | 4 bytes | Battle: Tonberry Sr killed (yeah, this is a boolean) |
0x0D00 | 4 bytes | Unknown |
0x0D04 | 4 bytes | Battle: First “Bug” battle (R1 tip) |
0x0D08 | 4 bytes | Battle: First “Bomb” battle (Elemental tip) |
0x0D0C | 4 bytes | Battle: First “T-Rex” battle (Mental tip) |
0x0D10 | 4 bytes | Battle: First “Irvine” battle (Irvine’s limit break tip) |
0x0D14 | 8 bytes | Battle: Magic drawn once |
0x0D1C | 20 bytes | Battle: Ennemy scanned once |
0x0D30 | 1 byte | Battle: Renzokuken auto |
0x0D31 | 1 byte | Battle: Renzokuken indicator |
0x0D32 | 1 byte | Battle: dream/Odin/Phoenix/Gilgamesh/Angelo disabled/Angel Wing enabled/???/??? |
0x0D33 | 16 bytes | Tutorial infos |
0x0D43 | 1 byte | SeeD test level |
0x0D44 | 4 bytes | Unknown |
0x0D48 | 4 bytes | Party (last byte always = 255) |
0x0D4C | 4 bytes | Unknown |
0x0D50 | 2 bytes | Module (1= field, 2= worldmap, 3= battle) |
0x0D52 | 2 bytes | Current field |
0x0D54 | 2 bytes | Previous field |
0x0D56 | 3*2 bytes (signed) | Coord X (party1, party2, party3) |
0x0D5C | 3*2 bytes (signed) | Coord Y (party1, party2, party3) |
0x0D62 | 3*2 bytes | Triangle ID (party1, party2, party3) |
0x0D68 | 3*1 bytes | Direction (party1, party2, party3) |
0x0D6B | 1 byte | Padding |
0x0D6C | 4 bytes | Unknown |
0x0D70 | 256 + 1024 bytes | Field vars |
0x1270 | 128 bytes | Worldmap (TODO) |
0x12F0 | 128 bytes | Triple Triad (TODO) |
0x1370 | 64 bytes | Chocobo World (TODO) |
Guardian Forces
The checksum calculation starts here.
There are 16 G-F: Quetzalcoatl, Shiva, Ifrit, Siren, Brothers, Diablos, Carbuncle, Leviathan, Pandemonia, Cerberus, Alexander, Doomtrain, Bahamut, Cactuar, Tonberry, Eden.
For each G-F:
Offset | Size | Data |
0x00 | 12 bytes | Name (0x00 terminated) |
0x0C | 4 bytes | Experience |
0x10 | 1 byte | Unknown |
0x11 | 1 byte | Exists |
0x12 | 2 bytes | HP |
0x14 | 16 bytes | Complete abilities (1 bit = 1 ability completed, 9 bits unused) |
0x24 | 24 bytes | APs (1 byte = 1 ability of the GF, 2 bytes unused) |
0x3C | 2 bytes | Number of kills |
0x3E | 2 bytes | Number of KOs |
0x41 | 1 byte | Learning ability |
0x42 | 3 bytes | Forgotten abilities (1 bit = 1 ability of the GF forgotten, 2 bits unused) |
Squall, Zell, Irvine, Quistis, Rinoa, Selphie, Seifer, Edea. For each character:
Offset | Size | Data |
0x00 | 2 bytes | Current HPs |
0x02 | 2 bytes | Max HPs |
0x04 | 4 bytes | Experience |
0x08 | 1 byte | Model ID |
0x09 | 1 byte | Weapon ID |
0x0A | 1 byte | STR |
0x0B | 1 byte | VIT |
0x0C | 1 byte | MAG |
0x0D | 1 byte | SPR |
0x0E | 1 byte | SPD |
0x0F | 1 byte | LCK |
0x10 | 2*32 bytes | Magics |
0x50 | 3 bytes | Commands |
0x53 | 1 byte | Padding or unused command |
0x54 | 4 bytes | Abilities |
0x58 | 2 bytes | Junctionned GFs |
0x5A | 1 byte | Unknown |
0x5B | 1 byte | Alternative model (Normal, SeeD, Soldier…) |
0x5C | 1 byte | Junction HP |
0x5D | 1 byte | Junction STR |
0x5E | 1 byte | Junction VIT |
0x5F | 1 byte | Junction MAG |
0x60 | 1 byte | Junction SPR |
0x61 | 1 byte | Junction SPD |
0x62 | 1 byte | Junction EVA |
0x63 | 1 byte | Junction HIT |
0x64 | 1 byte | Junction LCK |
0x65 | 1 byte | Junction elemental attack |
0x66 | 1 byte | Junction mental attack |
0x67 | 4 bytes | Junction elemental defense |
0x6B | 4 bytes | Junction mental defense |
0x6F | 1 byte | Unknown (padding?) |
0x70 | 16 * 2 bytes | Compatibility with GFs |
0x90 | 2 bytes | Number of kills |
0x92 | 2 bytes | Number of KOs |
0x94 | 1 byte | Exists |
0x95 | 1 byte | Unknown |
0x96 | 1 byte | Mental Status tr(“Mort”) « tr(“Poison”) « tr(“Fossile”) « tr(“Darkness”) « tr(“Aphasie”) « tr(“Trouble”) « tr(“Zombie”); |
0x97 | 1 byte | Unknown |
Offset | Size | Data |
0x00 | 12 | char_pos[6] (Character position: x, z, y, ?, ?, rotation (0->4095)) |
0x0C | 12 | uknown_pos1[6] (Unknown position 1) |
0x18 | 12 | ragnarok_pos[6] (Ragnarok position) |
0x24 | 12 | bgu_pos[6] (Balamb Garden University position) |
0x30 | 12 | car_pos[6] (Car position) |
0x3C | 12 | uknown_pos2[6] (Unknown position 2) |
0x48 | 12 | uknown_pos3[6] (Unknown position 3) |
0x54 | 12 | uknown_pos4[6] (Unknown position 4) |
0x60 | 2 | steps_related (Steps related) |
0x62 | 1 | car_rent (Car rent status) 0x00:forbidden ,0xFF:none,0x51:balamb1,0x52:balamb2,0x57:esthar |
0x63 | 7 | u1[7] (Unknown, u1[6] = deep sea?) |
0x6A | 2 | u2 (Always 0xFFFF?) |
0x6C | 2 | u3 (u3[1] = deep sea?) |
0x6E | 1 | disp_map_config (0: none, 1: minisphere, 2: minimap) |
0x6F | 1 | u4 (Unknown) |
0x70 | 2 | car_steps_related (Car steps related) |
0x72 | 2 | car_steps_related2 (Car steps related) |
0x74 | 1 | vehicles_instructions_worldmap Car,Unused,BGU,Chocobo,Hydre,???,???,Unused |
0x75 | 1 | koyok_quest (Koyok quest flags)04 : Mandy Beach,Winhill,Trabia,Kashkabald Desert,UFO? Battu,80 : Koyo K Battu/Soigné/Mangé |
0x76 | 8 | obel_quest (Obel quest flags) |
0x7E | 2 | u6[2] (Unknown) |
Obel quest flag
[0] => avoir fredonné twice|???|Unused|Unused|n ricochets|infini ricochets|Vu ryo|Vu ryo² (“100x + de ricochets que toi !”) [1] => Ryo a donné tablette|Unused|Indices ombre pour trouver l’idiot|Unused|Unused|Unused|Indice ombre pour Eldbeak|Eldbeak trouvé [2] => Trésor île Minde|Trésor Plaine de Mordor|Unused|Unused|Unused|Unused|Unused|Unused [3] => ???|Pierre Balamb|Pierre Ryo|Pierre Timber|Pierre Galbadia|Toutes les pierres|Indice Ombre pour Balamb|??? [4] => ??? (mordor var?) [5] => ???|???|???|???|Block access Lunatic Pandora|???|Block access Lunatic Pandora|??? [6] => avoir parlé à l’ombre|Accepter de chercher l’idiot|Avoir vu l’idiot|… [7] => ??? (temp var)
Triple Triad
Offset | Size | Data |
0x00 | 77 | cards[77] (Array of 77 cards) |
0x4D | 33 | card_locations[33] (Array of 33 card locations) |
0x6E | 5 | cards_rare[5] (Array of 5 rare cards) |
0x73 | 1 | u1 (Padding or unknown) |
0x74 | 2 | tt_victory_count (TT victory count) |
0x76 | 2 | tt_defeat_count (TT defeat count) |
0x78 | 2 | tt_egality_count (TT egality count) |
0x7A | 2 | u2 (Unknown) |
0x7C | 4 | u3 (Unknown) |
Chocobo World
Offset | Size | Data |
0x00 | 1 byte (bit field) | Enabled / In world / MiniMog found / Demon King defeated / Koko kidnapped / Hurry! / Koko met / Event Wait off |
0x01 | 1 byte | Level |
0x02 | 1 byte | Current HP |
0x03 | 1 byte | Max HP |
0x04 | 2 bytes | Weapon (4 bit = 1 weapon) |
0x06 | 1 byte | Rank |
0x07 | 1 byte | Move |
0x08 | 4 bytes | Save count |
0x0C | 2 bytes | id related |
0x0E | 6 bytes | Unknown |
0x14 | 1 byte | Item Class A count |
0x15 | 1 byte | Item Class B count |
0x16 | 1 byte | Item Class C count |
0x17 | 1 byte | Item Class D count |
0x18 | 16 bytes | Unknown |
0x28 | 4 bytes | Associated save ID |
0x2C | 1 byte | Unknown |
0x2D | 1 byte | Boko Attack (star count: 0 = ChocoFire, 1 = ChocoFlare, 2 = ChocoMeteor, 3 = ChocoBocle) |
0x2E | 1 byte | Unknown |
0x2F | 1 byte | Home walking |
0x30 | 16 bytes | Unknown (unused?) |
Offset | Size | Data |
0x00 | 1 | vts_combat (VTS combat setting) |
0x01 | 1 | vts_msg_combat (VTS message combat setting) |
0x02 | 1 | vts_msg (VTS message setting) |
0x03 | 1 | analog_volume (Analog volume setting) |
0x04 | 1 | divers (Miscellaneous settings) joystick,vibration,manette,???,???,pointeur,son,ATB |
0x05 | 1 | scan (Scan setting) |
0x06 | 1 | camera (Camera setting) |
0x07 | 1 | MAP SEAL |
0x08 | 1 | L2 (L2 button mapping) |
0x09 | 1 | R2 (R2 button mapping) |
0x0A | 1 | L1 (L1 button mapping) |
0x0B | 1 | R1 (R1 button mapping) |
0x0C | 1 | TRIANGLE (Triangle button mapping) |
0x0D | 1 | ROND (Circle button mapping) |
0x0E | 1 | CROIX (Cross button mapping) |
0x0F | 1 | CARRE (Square button mapping) |
0x10 | 1 | SELECT (Select button mapping) |
0x11 | 1 | u4 (Unknown) |
0x12 | 1 | u5 (Unknown) |
0x13 | 1 | START (Start button mapping) |