These files have a good deal of the Menu text.

3 files are concerned:

  • tknmnes1.bin
  • tknmnes2.bin
  • tknmnes3.bin

Note that those files are actually not use, but instead the one contains in the archive Mngrp.bin

The data consist of a header that contains the paddings, corresponding to the offset to string section. Each string section contains a list of offset, followed by the strings.


Padding values 0x0000 must be ignored when reading but must be kept in the same place when writing.

Type Size Value Description
UInt16 2 Pad_Count The number of padding. Always 16.
The real number of padding is the value read + 1 (so 17 in unmodified file).
UInt16 2 * Pad_count Paddings The padding value leads to the start of string section offsets.
0x0000 must be ignored.

String section

Each string section correspond to a Mngrp string section

[Start of string location] = [Start of file] + [Padding value] + [String offset value]