
Offset Sections Section Size
0x35B8 33 12 bytes


Offset Character Weapon Name
0x35B8 Squall Revolver
0x35C4 Squall Shear Trigger
0x35D0 Squall Cutting Trigger
0x35DC Squall Flame Saber
0x35E8 Squall Twin Lance
0x35F4 Squall Punishment
0x3600 Squall Lion Heart
0x360C Zell Metal Knuckle
0x3618 Zell Maverick
0x3624 Zell Gauntlet
0x3630 Zell Ehrgeiz
0x363C Irvine Valiant
0x3648 Irvine Ulysses
0x3654 Irvine Bismark
0x3660 Irvine Exeter
0x366C Quistis Chain Whip
0x3678 Quistis Slaying Tail
0x3684 Quistis Red Scorpion
0x3690 Quistis Save the Queen
0x369C Rinoa Pinwheel
0x36A8 Rinoa Valkyrie
0x36B4 Rinoa Rising Sun
0x36C0 Rinoa Cardinal
0x36CC Rinoa Shooting Star
0x36D8 Selphie Flail
0x36E4 Selphie Morning Star
0x36F0 Selphie Crescent Wish
0x36FC Selphie Strange Vision
0x3708 Seifer Hyperion
0x3714 Edea None
0x3720 Laguna Machine Gun
0x372C Kiros Katal
0x3738 Ward Harpoon

Section Structure

Offset Length Description
0x0000 2 bytes Offset to weapon name
0x0002 1 byte Renzokuken finishers

0x01 = Rough Divide
0x02 = Fated Circle
0x04 = Blasting Zone
0x08 = Lion Heart
0x0003 1 byte Unknown
0x0004 1 byte Character ID

0x00 - Squall
0x01 - Zell
0x02 - Irvine
0x03 - Quistis
0x04 - Rinoa
0x05 - Selphie
0x06 - Seifer
0x07 - Edea
0x08 - Laguna
0x09 - Kiros
0x0A - Ward
0x0005 1 bytes Attack Type
0x0006 1 byte Attack Power
0x0007 1 byte Attack Parameter
0x0008 1 byte STR Bonus
0x0009 1 byte Weapon Tier
0x000A 1 byte Crit Bonus
0x000B 1 byte Melee Weapon?