
Offset Sections Section Size
0x4218 19 8 bytes


Offset Ability
0x4218 HP+20%
0x4220 HP+40%
0x4228 HP+80%
0x4230 STR+20%
0x4238 STR+40%
0x4240 STR+60%
0x4248 VIT+20%
0x4250 VIT+40%
0x4258 VIT+60%
0x4260 MAG+20%
0x4268 MAG+40%
0x4270 MAG+60%
0x4278 SPR+20%
0x4280 SPR+40%
0x4288 SPR+60%
0x4290 SPD+20%
0x4298 SPD+40%
0x42A0 EVA+30%
0x42A8 LUCK+50%

Section Structure

Offset Length Description
0x0000 2 bytes Offset to ability name
0x0002 2 bytes Offset to ability description
0x0004 1 byte AP needed to learn the ability
0x0005 1 byte Stat to increase
0x0006 1 byte Increase value
0x0007 1 byte Unknown/Unused