
Offset Sections Section Size
0x3744 4 24 bytes


Offset Limit
0x3744 Rough Divide
0x375C Fated Circle
0x3774 Blasting Zone
0x378C Lion Heart

Section Structure

Offset Length Description
0x0000 2 bytes Offset to limit name
0x0002 2 bytes Offset to limit description
0x0004 2 bytes Magic ID
0x0006 1 byte Attack Type
0x0007 1 byte Unknown
0x0008 1 byte Attack power
0x0009 1 byte Unknown
0x000A 1 byte Target info
0x000B 1 byte Attack Flags
0x000C 1 byte Hit count
0x000D 1 byte Element Attack
0x000E 1 byte Element Attack %
0x000F 1 byte Status Attack Enabler
0x0010 2 bytes Unknown
0x0012 2 bytes status_0; //statuses 0-7
0x0014 4 bytes status_1; //statuses 8-39