Offset | Sections | Section Size |
0x3EE0 | 16 | 20 bytes |
Offset | Attack |
0x3EE0 | Zantetsuken (O) |
0x3EF4 | Rebirth Flame |
0x3F08 | ChocoFire |
0x3F1C | ChocoFlare |
0x3F30 | ChocoMeteor |
0x3F44 | ChocoBocle |
0x3F58 | Moogle Dance |
0x3F6C | Excaliber |
0x3F80 | Excalipoor |
0x3F94 | Masamune |
0x3FA8 | Zantetsuken (G) |
0x3FBC | Angelo Rush |
0x3FD0 | Angelo Recover |
0x3FE4 | Angelo Reverse |
0x3FF8 | Angelo Search |
0x400C | Friendship |
Section Structure
Offset | Length | Description |
0x0000 | 2 bytes | Offset to GF attack name |
0x0002 | 2 bytes | Magic ID (decides what animation to play) |
0x0004 | 1 byte | Attack type |
0x0005 | 1 byte | GF power (used in damage formula) |
0x0006 | 1 byte | Status attack enabler |
0x0007 | 1 byte | Unknown |
0x0008 | 1 byte | Status flags |
0x0009 | 2 bytes | Unknown |
0x000B | 1 byte | Element 0x00 - Non-Elemental 0x01 - Fire 0x02 - Ice 0x04 - Thunder 0x08 - Earth 0x10 - Poison 0x20 - Wind 0x40 - Water 0x80 - Holy |
0x000C | 1 byte | Status 1 0x00 - None 0x01 - Sleep 0x02 - Haste 0x04 - Slow 0x08 - Stop 0x10 - Regen 0x20 - Protect 0x40 - Shell 0x80 - Reflect |
0x000D | 1 byte | Status 2 0x00 - None 0x01 - Aura 0x02 - Curse 0x04 - Doom 0x08 - Invincible 0x10 - Petrifying 0x20 - Float 0x40 - Confusion 0x80 - Drain |
0x000E | 1 byte | Status 3 0x00 - None 0x01 - Eject 0x02 - Double 0x04 - Triple 0x08 - Defend 0x10 - ??? 0x20 - ??? 0x40 - ??? 0x80 - ??? |
0x000F | 1 byte | Status 4 0x00 - None 0x01 - Vit0 0x02 - ??? 0x04 - ??? 0x08 - ??? 0x10 - ??? 0x20 - ??? 0x40 - ??? 0x80 - ??? |
0x0010 | 1 byte | Status 5 0x00 - None 0x01 - Death 0x02 - Poison 0x04 - Petrify 0x08 - Darkness 0x10 - Silence 0x20 - Berserk 0x40 - Zombie 0x80 - ??? |
0x0011 | 1 byte | Unknown |
0x0012 | 1 byte | Power Mod (used in damage formula) |
0x0013 | 1 byte | Level Mod (used in damage formula) |