
Offset Sections Section Size
0x3EE0 16 20 bytes


Offset Attack
0x3EE0 Zantetsuken (O)
0x3EF4 Rebirth Flame
0x3F08 ChocoFire
0x3F1C ChocoFlare
0x3F30 ChocoMeteor
0x3F44 ChocoBocle
0x3F58 Moogle Dance
0x3F6C Excaliber
0x3F80 Excalipoor
0x3F94 Masamune
0x3FA8 Zantetsuken (G)
0x3FBC Angelo Rush
0x3FD0 Angelo Recover
0x3FE4 Angelo Reverse
0x3FF8 Angelo Search
0x400C Friendship

Section Structure

Offset Length Description
0x0000 2 bytes Offset to GF attack name
0x0002 2 bytes Magic ID (decides what animation to play)
0x0004 1 byte Attack type
0x0005 1 byte GF power (used in damage formula)
0x0006 1 byte Status attack enabler
0x0007 1 byte Unknown
0x0008 1 byte Status flags
0x0009 2 bytes Unknown
0x000B 1 byte Element

0x00 - Non-Elemental
0x01 - Fire
0x02 - Ice
0x04 - Thunder
0x08 - Earth
0x10 - Poison
0x20 - Wind
0x40 - Water
0x80 - Holy
0x000C 1 byte Status 1

0x00 - None
0x01 - Sleep
0x02 - Haste
0x04 - Slow
0x08 - Stop
0x10 - Regen
0x20 - Protect
0x40 - Shell
0x80 - Reflect
0x000D 1 byte Status 2

0x00 - None
0x01 - Aura
0x02 - Curse
0x04 - Doom
0x08 - Invincible
0x10 - Petrifying
0x20 - Float
0x40 - Confusion
0x80 - Drain
0x000E 1 byte Status 3

0x00 - None
0x01 - Eject
0x02 - Double
0x04 - Triple
0x08 - Defend
0x10 - ???
0x20 - ???
0x40 - ???
0x80 - ???
0x000F 1 byte Status 4

0x00 - None
0x01 - Vit0
0x02 - ???
0x04 - ???
0x08 - ???
0x10 - ???
0x20 - ???
0x40 - ???
0x80 - ???
0x0010 1 byte Status 5

0x00 - None
0x01 - Death
0x02 - Poison
0x04 - Petrify
0x08 - Darkness
0x10 - Silence
0x20 - Berserk
0x40 - Zombie
0x80 - ???
0x0011 1 byte Unknown
0x0012 1 byte Power Mod (used in damage formula)
0x0013 1 byte Level Mod (used in damage formula)