
Offset Sections Section Size
0x40E0 20 8 bytes


Offset Ability
0x40E0 Dummy/Unused
0x40E8 HP-J
0x40F0 Str-J
0x40F8 Vit-J
0x4100 Mag-J
0x4108 Spr-J
0x4110 Spd-J
0x4118 Eva-J
0x4120 Hit-J
0x4128 Luck-J
0x4130 Elem-Atk-J
0x4138 ST-Atk-J
0x4140 Elem-Def-J
0x4148 ST-Def-J
0x4150 Elem-Defx2
0x4158 Elem-Defx4
0x4160 ST-Def-Jx2
0x4168 ST-Def-Jx4
0x4170 Abilityx3
0x4178 Abilityx4

Section Structure

Offset Length Description
0x0000 2 bytes Offset to ability name
0x0002 2 bytes Offset to ability description
0x0004 1 byte AP Required to learn ability
0x0005 3 byte J-Flag