
Offset Sections Section Size
0x48B8 10 32 bytes


Offset Ability
0x48B8 Punch Rush
0x48D8 Booya
0x48F8 Heel Drop
0x4918 Mach Kick
0x4938 Dolphin Blow
0x4958 Meteor Strike
0x4978 Burning Rave
0x4998 Meteor Barret
0x49B8 Different Beat
0x49D8 My Final Heaven

Section Structure

Offset Length Description
0x0000 2 bytes Offset to limit name
0x0002 2 bytes Offset to limit description
0x0004 2 bytes Magic ID
0x0006 1 byte Attack type
0x0007 1 byte Attack power
0x0008 1 byte Attack flags
0x0009 1 byte Unknown
0x000A 1 byte Target Info
0x000B 1 bytes Unknown
0x000C 1 byte Hit count
0x000D 1 byte Element Attack
0x000E 1 byte Element Attack %
0x000F 1 byte Status Attack Enabler
0x0010 2 bytes Sequence Button 1
0x0012 2 bytes Sequence Button 2
0x0014 2 bytes Sequence Button 3
0x0016 2 bytes Sequence Button 4
0x0018 2 bytes Sequence Button 5
0x001A 2 bytes status_0; //statuses 0-7
0x001C 4 bytes status_1; //statuses 8-39

Buttons is finisher = 0x0001 up = 0x0010 -> = 0x0020 do = 0x0040 <- = 0x0080 L2 = 0x0100 R2 = 0x0200 L1 = 0x0400 R1 = 0x0800 /\ = 0x1000 O = 0x2000 X = 0x4000 |_|= 0x8000 None = 0xFFFF