Offset | Sections | Section Size |
0x48B8 | 10 | 32 bytes |
Offset | Ability |
0x48B8 | Punch Rush |
0x48D8 | Booya |
0x48F8 | Heel Drop |
0x4918 | Mach Kick |
0x4938 | Dolphin Blow |
0x4958 | Meteor Strike |
0x4978 | Burning Rave |
0x4998 | Meteor Barret |
0x49B8 | Different Beat |
0x49D8 | My Final Heaven |
Section Structure
Offset | Length | Description |
0x0000 | 2 bytes | Offset to limit name |
0x0002 | 2 bytes | Offset to limit description |
0x0004 | 2 bytes | Magic ID |
0x0006 | 1 byte | Attack type |
0x0007 | 1 byte | Attack power |
0x0008 | 1 byte | Attack flags |
0x0009 | 1 byte | Unknown |
0x000A | 1 byte | Target Info |
0x000B | 1 bytes | Unknown |
0x000C | 1 byte | Hit count |
0x000D | 1 byte | Element Attack |
0x000E | 1 byte | Element Attack % |
0x000F | 1 byte | Status Attack Enabler |
0x0010 | 2 bytes | Sequence Button 1 |
0x0012 | 2 bytes | Sequence Button 2 |
0x0014 | 2 bytes | Sequence Button 3 |
0x0016 | 2 bytes | Sequence Button 4 |
0x0018 | 2 bytes | Sequence Button 5 |
0x001A | 2 bytes | status_0; //statuses 0-7 |
0x001C | 4 bytes | status_1; //statuses 8-39 |
Buttons is finisher = 0x0001 up = 0x0010 -> = 0x0020 do = 0x0040 <- = 0x0080 L2 = 0x0100 R2 = 0x0200 L1 = 0x0400 R1 = 0x0800 /\ = 0x1000 O = 0x2000 X = 0x4000 |_|= 0x8000 None = 0xFFFF