
Offset Sections Section Size
0x4C0C 16 12 bytes


Offset Ability
0x4C0C Tastes okay…
0x4C18 Delicious!!!
0x4C24 Refreshing!
0x4C30 It`s rotten…
0x4C3C Tastes funny…
0x4C48 Can`t see anything
0x4C54 Tastes awful!!!
0x4C60 Barf…Bwahhh!!!
0x4C6C Shouldn`t have…eaten…it
0x4C78 No good!
0x4C84 Gained strength
0x4C90 Feel healthier
0x4C9C Clear head!
0x4CA8 Increased morale!
0x4CB4 Light on my feet!
0x4CC0 All systems go!

Section Structure

Offset Length Description
0x0000 2 bytes Offset to devour description
0x0002 1 byte Damage or heal HP and Status

0x1E - Cure
0x1F - Damage
0x0003 1 byte HP Heal/DMG Quantity Flag

0x00 - 0%
0x01 - 6.25%
0x02 - 12.50%
0x04 - 25%
0x08 - 50%
0x10 - 100%
0x0004 4 bytes status_1; //statuses 8-39
0x0008 2 bytes status_0; //statuses 0-7
0x000A 1 byte Raised Stat Flag

0x00 - None
0x01 - STR
0x02 - VIT
0x04 - MAG
0x08 - SPR
0x10 - SPD
0x20 - LUCK
0x000B 1 byte Raised Stat HP Quantity