
Offset Sections Section Size
0x37A4 11 36 bytes


Offset Character
0x37A4 Squall
0x37C8 Zell
0x37EC Irvine
0x3810 Quistis
0x3834 Rinoa
0x3858 Selphie
0x387C Seifer
0x38A0 Edea
0x38C4 Laguna
0x38E8 Kiros
0x390C Ward

Section Structure

Offset Length Description
0x0000 2 bytes Offset to character name

Squall and Rinoa have name offsets of 0xFFFF because their name is in the save game data rather than kernel.bin.
0x0002 1 byte Crisis level hp multiplier
0x0003 1 byte Gender

0x00 - Male
0x01 - Female
0x0004 1 byte Limit Break ID
0x0005 1 byte Limit Break Param

used for the power of each renzokuken hit before finisher
0x0006 2 bytes EXP modifier
0x0008 4 bytes HP
0x000C 4 bytes STR
0x0010 4 bytes VIT
0x0014 4 bytes MAG
0x0018 4 bytes SPR
0x001C 4 bytes SPD
0x0020 4 bytes LUCK