
Offset Sections Section Size
0x44F8 16 16 bytes


Offset Ability
0x44F8 Laser Eye
0x4508 Ultra Waves
0x4518 Electrocute
0x4528 LV?Death
0x4538 Degenerator
0x4548 Aqua Breath
0x4558 Micro Missiles
0x4568 Acid
0x4578 Gatling Gun
0x4588 Fire Breath
0x4598 Bad Breath
0x45A8 White Wind
0x45B8 Homing Laser
0x45C8 Mighty Guard
0x45D8 Ray-Bomb
0x45E8 Shockwave Pulsar

Section Structure

Offset Length Description
0x0000 2 bytes Offset to limit name
0x0002 2 bytes Offset to limit description
0x0004 2 bytes Magic ID
0x0006 1 byte Unknown
0x0007 1 byte Attack Type
0x0008 2 bytes Unknown
0x000A 1 byte Attack Flags
0x000B 1 byte Unknown
0x000C 1 byte Element
0x000D 1 byte Status Attack
0x000E 1 byte Crit Bonus
0x000F 1 byte Unknown