Kernel.bin documentation was originally held on external wiki of Doomtrain github
As we are not able anymore to update it, it has been copied here and edited with latest knowledge.
Table of contents
- Header
- Battle commands
- Magic
- Junctionable GFs
- Enemy attacks
- Weapons
- Renzokuken finishers
- Characters
- Battle items
- Non battle item name and description offset
- Non junctionable GF attacks
- Command abilities in battle
- Junction abilities
- Command abilities GF
- Stat percentage increasing abilities
- Characters abilities
- Party abilities
- GF abilities
- Menu abilities
- Temporary characters limit breaks
- Blue magic
- Blue magic parameters
- Shot (irvine limit breaks)
- Duel parameters
- Duel (zell limit break)
- Rinoa commands
- Rinoa combine limit break
- Slot array
- Slot sets
- Devour
- Misc
- Misc text pointers