Author: HobbitDur
BCI seems to stand for BattleCommandInterface To find the size, I take the slot 0 size BCI_CURRENT_HP is at 1D27B28, and next slot data is at 1D27BF8, so data size is 208. So to get a specific value of a specific slot ID, we takes the first value then shift by 208.
The data order:
Data name | Size |
BCI_MAX_HP | 4 |
BCI_LVL | 1 |
BCI_STR | 1 |
BCI_VIT | 1 |
BCI_MAG | 1 |
BCI_SPR | 1 |
BCI_SPD | 1 |
BCI_LUCK | 1 |
BCI_EVA | 1 |
BCI_HIT | 1 |
In this website (, Level of ally 1 is at FF8_EN.exe+1927BCC, when the BCI_LVL is at 1D27BCC
If you do the +0x400000 of FF8_EN.exe it checks out. So we can use this existing mapping.
struct BciTimerStruct { 0: Sleep 1: Haste 2: Slow 3: Stop 4: Regen 5: Protect 6: Shell 7: Reflect 8: Aura 9: Curse 10:Doom 11:Hero 12:Petrify 13:Float 14:Unknown14 15:Unknown15 }; 01D27B64 1CFF574