Author: SegaChief, HobbitDur

Here will be put all info on the exe editing. The base is version 2013 in english.
The goal will be to put the value in the .exe reference, but for the moment there is a mix of RAM reference and EXE reference.
The RAM data start at +0x400000, so it’s just a matter of shift.
Keep in mind the values are in little endian, so when writing hext files, you need to write byte in the opposite order.
In lots of cases, 0x9090 value is used, it’s because 0x90 is a nop,
so if there is a computation that take 2 bytes and you want to cancel it, you replace it with 2 nop (0x9090)
For diff between 2000 version and 2013: Qhimm post (to be detailed here later)

  1. Limit
    1. Damage limit
    2. Maximum HP
      1. Party
      2. GF
    3. Maximum draw
    4. Limitless magic
      1. In Battle
        1. In Field
  2. Command
    1. Cover Command
    2. Darkside Command
      1. Damage taken
      2. Damage modifier
    3. Kamikaze Command
  3. SeeD rank salary
  4. Cheat function
  5. Dollet mission
    1. Judgment
  6. Ai data
  7. Magic info
  8. Lvl-up/down
  9. Junction
    1. Junction at max even with 1 magic
      1. HP
      2. Primary Stats
      3. Secondary Stats
      4. Elemental Attack
      5. Elemental Defence
      6. Status Attack
      7. Status Defence
    2. Junction depending on level
  10. Others
    1. Crisis Level
    2. Add VIT0 resist
    3. Add new attack
    4. Disable flash
    5. Angel wing


Original Qhimm post

Damage limit

There is 2 values, the normal damage cap and the bonus damage cap for damage that can break the limit (Eden for example)
So for example, if the max damage limit is 9999, and the bonus damage is 50,001; the max damage limit for Eden is 60 000

Offset Size Default value Name
0x091133 4 0x0000C351 “No Damage Limit” Damage Bonus
0x091139 4 0x0000270F Normal Damage Cap

Maximum HP


The first offset (0x095A1C) is the value to compare to. Setting this to 1 will set all characters to have the Maximum HP of 9999 all the time. This also gives the “Maximum HP” Achievement.
The second offset (0x095A23) is the value that will be set if it exceed the previous value set at offset 0x095A1C.
It is to be noted than when putting value > 9999, the game has strange behavior: value above 9999 start from 0 (so character don’t really have 10000 HP).
The menu and battle text can’t handle it also.

Offset Size Default value Name
0x095A1C 4 0x0000270F Maximum HP Cap limit value
0x095A23 4 0x0000270F Maximum HP Cap value set if currenthp > cap value


The first offset (0x095E6F) is the value to compare to. Setting this to 1 will set all GF to have the Maximum HP of 9999 all the time (this part to be confirmed). The second offset (0x095E76) is the value that will be set if it exceed the previous value set at offset 0x095E6F. It is to be noted than when putting value > 9999, the game has strange behavior: value above 9999 start from 0 (so character don’t really have 10000 HP). The menu and battle text can’t handle it also.

Offset Size Default value Name
0x095E6F 4 0x0000270F Maximum HP Cap limit value
0x095E76 4 0x0000270F Maximum HP Cap value set if currenthp > cap value

Maximum draw

The first offset (0x08FE00) is the value to compare to. Setting this to 1 will make you always Draw the maximum amount (in battle). The second offset (0x08FE04) is the value that will be set if it exceed the previous value set at offset 0x08FE00.

Offset Size Default value Name
0x08FE00 1 0x09 Maximum Draw limit value
0x08FE04 4 0x00000009 Maximum Draw value set if drawvalue > cap value


8FE00 =  
09 7E 05 B8 09 (Default: 9 max per draw)  
01 7E 05 B8 64 (Draw 100 so long as 1+ is drawn)  
09 7D 05 B8 09 (Draw minimum of 9, no upper cap - changes jump type to greater/equal, Sets a minimum draw but with no upper cap so that your magic stat can influence how many you get)   

Limitless magic

I don’t know how it works, but here what seems to work:

In Battle

Offset Size Default value Name
0x086B0C 2 0xC9FE Limitless magic in battle

Replace value by 0x9090 for limitless magic in battle

In Field

Offset Size Default value Name
0x0F3027 2 0xCBFE Limitless magic in field

Replace value by 0x9090 for limitless magic in field (using curaga on menu for example)


Qhimm post

Cover Command

At 0xD1EE there is a shift value v3 = (unsigned int)v3 >> 1; means divided by 2 This is used to compute the reduce damage. If replaced by 2 nop (0x9090), this avoid computing the damage.

Offset Size Default value Name
0x091091 2 0xD1EE (/2) Cover damage reduction

Darkside Command

This command has 2 part, the damage taken, and the damage modifier.

Damage taken

The damage taken percentage is computed by 2 function:

  • A magic number 0x0905A3 = 0x66666667 that allow to do a division by 10
  • A shift call of 3 byte at 0x0905AF by 34 (SAR EDX, 2) that shift this magical number to obtain the division by 10

So in order to change the percentage, both those values need to be modified.

Offset Size Default value Name
0x0905A3 4 0x66666667 Magic number for how much HP% Darkside costs to use
0x0905B1 1 0x02 Shift for how much HP% Darkside costs to use

If you need any percentage (e.g., 7%, 33%, etc.), follow these steps:

  • Compute the divisor: D = 100 / (desired percentage)
  • Compute the magic constant: Magic = floor(2^32 / D) + 1
  • Find the shift amount:
    • Start with log2(D) - 1 as a rule of thumb.
    • Experiment with rounding correction.

Here a table with some interesting value (you need the magic number and shift amount):

Percentage Divisor (D) Magic Number (Hex) Shift Amount (SAR)
0% 0x00000000 N/A
10% 10 0x66666667 2
20% 5 0x33333333 2
30% 3.33_ 0x2AAAAAAB 1
40% 2.5 0x1999999A 1
50% 2 0x80000001 0
60% 1.66_ 0xAAAAAAAB 0
70% 1.428571 0xBA2E8BA3 0
80% 1.25 0xCCCCCCCD 0
90% 1.11_ 0xE38E38E4 0
100% 1 0xFFFFFFFF 0

Damage modifier

Determines how much bonus damage Darkside inflicts At offset 0x091069, there is a LEA instruction with the third byte having 2 bit that allow to multiply.

Offset Size Default value Name
0x09106B 2 0x76 Damage modifier
Possible values Result
0x36 x2
0x76 x3
0xB6 x5
0xF6 x9

Kamikaze Command

By default, the command kamikaze is x5 damage of the user’s maximum HP
At offset 0x92D72, 0x8D0480 correspond to this instruction:

  • 0x8D: Opcode for LEA r32,m
  • 0x04: Byte ModR/M (MOD = 00, REG = 00, R/M=100)
  • 0x80: Byte SIB (Scale-Index-Base), where the 2 first bit are for the scale

The multiplier is link to the scale which is on 2 bit, so we can have the following SIB multiplier: 1, 2, 4, 8
which give the following address multiplier: 2, 3, 5, 9

Offset Size Default value Name
0x92D74 1 0x80 Kamikaze damage multiplier
Possible values Result
0x00 x2
0x40 x3
0x80 x5
0xC0 x9

SeeD rank salary

Qhimm post
Array starts at offset 0x78E474. Each SeeD Rank salary is determined by two bytes, and each value gets multiplied by 10 before being shown in-game.

S-Rank Offset Value
01 78E476 32 00
02 78E478 64 00
03 78E47A 96 00
04 78E47C C8 00
05 78E47E 2C 01
06 78E480 90 01
07 78E482 F4 01
08 78E484 58 02
09 78E486 BC 02
10 78E488 20 03
11 78E48A 84 03
12 78E48C E8 03
13 78E48E 4C 04
14 78E490 B0 04
15 78E492 E2 04
16 78E494 14 05
17 78E496 46 05
18 78E498 78 05
19 78E49A AA 05
20 78E49C DC 05
21 78E49E 0E 06
22 78E4A0 40 06
23 78E4A2 72 06
24 78E4A4 A4 06
25 78E4A6 D6 06
26 78E4A8 08 07
27 78E4AA 3A 07
28 78E4AC 6C 07
29 78E4AE 9E 07
30 78E4B0 D0 07
31 78E4B2 B8 0B

Cheat function

Fkey, to be tested. Qhimm post

Dollet mission


To modify the ifrit timer value, to be investigated : Qhimm post

Ai data

Can be found at 0x00487DF0 Qhimm post

Magic info

Qhimm post


Qhimm post


Junction at max even with 1 magic

Here, the function computing the quantity of magic is directly replaced by a mov, 100 (0x64) followed by nop


963CB = B3 64 90 90 90 90 90

Primary Stats

966E5 = B2 64 90 90 90 90 90

Secondary Stats

96788 = B2 64 90 90 90 90 90

Elemental Attack

969D1 = B0 64 90 90 90 90 90

Elemental Defence

96AAE = B1 64 90 90 90 90 90

Status Attack

96BC1 = B0 64 90 90 90 90 90

Status Defence

96C9D = B1 64 90 90 90 90 90

Junction depending on level

Qhimm post

Assembly modifications so that Level determines the ‘stock’ of stat-junction bonuses. So if you junction Curaga, the stock is irrelevant and it uses your level instead. If you’re Level 50, you get an equivalent boost of 50x Curaga for instance.

Address: 0x004966E5 From: 8A 14 4D F9 E0 CF 01 To: 8A 54 24 1C 90 90 90

Code: [Select] Address: 0x00496788 From: 8A 14 4D F9 E0 CF 01 To: 8A 54 24 1C 90 90 90

Code: [Select] Address: 0x004963CB From: 8A 1C 45 F9 E0 CF 01 To: 8A 5C 24 14 90 90 90

The way this works is that the following functions: Code: [Select] 0x496310: GetCharacterHP (int lvl, int char_id) 0x496440: GetCharacterStat (int lvl, int char_id, int stat)

are called with the character level as a parameter and it’s easy to pull this off the stack when it tries to get the value for the junctioned magic amount.

Hit and Eva are calculated in the following functions: Code: [Select] 0x4967C0: GetCharacterHit (int char_id) 0x4968A0: GetCharacterEva (int char_id, int unk1)


Crisis Level

#Random MOD 0-255 + 160 (Set to 0 for no variance) 942E7 = 83 E1 00 90 90 90 #Default: +160, Current = 255 942F2 = 81 C1 FF 00 00 00 #Change this to EB 09 (or JMP 494329) to set ‘fixed’ crisis level proc #or deactivate limits altogether with 0 #49431E

#494329 - Where crisis level 4 checked for, can be changed to any level or 0

0x0941F0: Crisis Level checks start here

0x0942E7: Random MOD for variance in Crisis Level (0x000000FF - 255) //Adjusting this value can shrink variance in Crisis Level
0x0942F2: Fixed +160 added to Random MOD value (0x000000A0 - 160)

Add VIT0 resist

#Author - JWP #Adds check for 20th status resist byte [VIT0] for enemies #Called ‘prcnt’ in ifrit editor #USE AT OWN RISK

#Default: B90A 0A0A 0A #8BEE8 = E9A8 0000 00

#Default: 9090 9090 9090 9090 #8BF95 = 8A87 7B01 0000 EB77

#Default: 9090 9090 9090 9090 9090 90 #8C014 = 8886 C07B D201 E912 0100 00

#Default: 9090 9090 9090 9090 9090 #8C131 = B90A 0A0A 0AE9 B2FD FFFF

Add new attack

#Author - JWP #The space in the jump table - around 0x492AB8 (0x92AB8 in exe). #There’s room for 1 more attack type without any major changes. #New Attack Type: Offence, removes statuses

#Default: 11 #91C19 = 12

#Default: E8 7B 00 00 #92010: E9 1F 69 6D

#Default: 90 #9208A: 00

#Default: 24 #922D9 = 25

#Default: 90 90 90 90 #92AB8 = 5E 89 B6 00

#Default: All 0s #768934 = 80 7C E4 38 12 74 07 E8 50 97 92 FF EB 17 FF 35 34 A2 D2 01 66 A1 3E #A2 D2 01 50 55 51 E8 CA 8E 92 FF 83 C4 10 E9 B7 96 92 FF 6A 12 8B 4C 24 30 8B #54 24 28 51 56 52 E8 60 91 92 FF 83 C4 10 8B F8 E9 58 9C 92 FF

#if (magic_attack_type != 0x12) { #inflict_status_function(caster_id, target_id, 1) - 1 means it’s a magic attack, 0 is for physical attacks #} #else { #cure_status_function(target_id, spell_power, status_word, status_dword) #}

Disable flash

#For disabling certain flashes like critical attacks 1067BC = 90:5

#Disable all battle flashes 1712C0 = C3

#Hextlaunch addresses for flash disable (when game is running) Code: [Select] #For certain flashes like critical attacks 5067BC = 90:5

#Disable all battle flashes 5712C0 = C3

Angel wing

The spell used under Angel Wing is decided in function 0x483D60.

From your post, it looks like you want the following weightings: Code: [Select] Firaga - 11 Blizzaga - 11 Thundaga - 10 Water - 6 Bio - 6 Pain - 6 Meltdown - 6 Demi - 6 Tornado - 32 Quake - 32 Flare - 48 Holy - 48 Meteor - 16 Ultima - 18

0x483D67 - does the lookup e8 b4 b2 00 00 25 ff 00 00 00 b3 40 31 c9 31 d2 02 91 86 3D 48 00 41 39 c2 7e f5 89 c8 eb 74

0x483D86 - spell table 00 00 0B 00 00 0B 00 00 0A 06 00 06 06 30 30 10 20 20 12 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

0x483E09 - patch to ignore a jump 90 90

0x48D819 - hacky patch that needs to be improved EB 25