Author: HobbitDur
Field Draw Notes
General info
All information for a Draw Point is stored in a single byte; the spell ID, whether the draw point refreshes, and whether you get a low or high yield from the draw point.
Start with the spell ID, and then modify it if necessary: Add 64 to Decimal ID for 2nd Bit - Refill Behavior (Added = Yes, Not Added = No) Add 128 to Decimal ID for 1st Bit - Draw Yield (Added = High, Not Added = Low) Add 192 to Decimal ID for Refill + High Yield to both be applied.
Each value corresponds to a ‘Draw ID’ that is referenced in the field script. For example, the field script for a draw point is quite basic and will just read ‘drawpoint(15)’ for instance.
Default values
Address Starts: 0xB92500 0x792500
Default Values .data:00B92500 byte_B92500 db 55h, 44h, 99h, 9Bh, 0Dh, 0CCh, 0C7h, 0D5h, 0C1h, 0E9h
.data:00B92500 db 0E6h, 72h, 55h, 6, 0E3h, 0D8h, 0DEh, 0DDh, 21h, 0A0h
.data:00B92500 db 55h, 4Ah, 48h, 70h, 5Bh, 4Ch, 0C2h, 0EEh, 9, 4Bh, 0C5h
.data:00B92500 db 0E6h, 59h, 0ECh, 0DCh, 17h, 1Fh, 0DDh, 0EFh, 56h, 0E3h
.data:00B92500 db 0DEh, 0DAh, 19h, 93h, 0C9h, 10h, 57h, 44h, 0D1h, 52h
.data:00B92500 db 0E1h, 2Dh, 0Fh, 65h, 65h, 0D8h, 1Fh, 0EBh, 0Eh, 69h
.data:00B92500 db 13h, 67h, 6Ah, 0D0h, 57h, 64h, 57h, 0Fh, 8Eh, 68h, 0E7h
.data:00B92500 db 4Bh, 2Ch, 2Dh, 0C9h, 30h, 20h, 0D3h, 46h, 43h, 0D2h
.data:00B92500 db 0CEh, 56h, 58h, 19h, 5Ch, 5Bh, 0A2h, 13h, 0F1h, 10h
.data:00B92500 db 0E3h, 0E4h, 0D7h, 0D8h, 0E5h, 0DAh, 0E1h, 22h, 0Fh
.data:00B92500 db 57h, 56h, 72h, 5Bh, 64h, 5Ch, 65h, 58h, 0Fh, 20h, 0Eh
.data:00B92500 db 10h, 31h, 13h, 19h, 22h, 81h, 81h, 81h, 81h, 81h, 81h
.data:00B92500 db 81h, 81h, 81h, 81h, 81h, 55h, 5Bh, 47h, 42h, 48h, 45h
.data:00B92500 db 44h, 41h, 55h, 4Ah, 56h, 5Bh, 72h, 5Eh, 63h, 4Bh, 4Ch
.data:00B92500 db 58h, 4Dh, 5Dh, 4Eh, 49h, 65h, 43h, 5Ah, 46h, 67h, 4Fh
.data:00B92500 db 5Ch, 64h, 51h, 57h, 52h, 19h, 5Fh, 20h, 11h, 61h, 6Ah
.data:00B92500 db 10h, 13h, 22h, 67h, 66h, 0D1h, 68h, 69h, 0CFh, 6Bh
.data:00B92500 db 6Ch, 0EDh, 6Eh, 6Fh, 70h, 71h, 93h, 0D2h, 0D1h, 0D0h
.data:00B92500 db 0CEh, 0CFh, 0E0h, 0D3h, 0E2h, 0D9h, 0D2h, 0D1h, 0D0h
.data:00B92500 db 0CEh, 0CFh, 0E0h, 0D3h, 0E2h, 0D9h, 0D2h, 0D1h, 0D0h
.data:00B92500 db 0CEh, 0CFh, 0E0h, 0D3h, 0E2h, 0D9h, 0D3h, 0D0h, 0CEh
.data:00B92500 db 0CFh, 0E0h, 0D3h, 0E2h, 0D9h, 0D0h, 0CEh, 0E2h, 0E0h
.data:00B92500 db 0D3h, 0E2h, 0D9h, 0D0h, 0CEh, 0CFh, 0E0h, 0D3h, 0E2h
.data:00B92500 db 0D9h, 0D0h, 0E2h, 0CFh, 0E0h, 0D3h, 0E2h, 0D9h, 0D0h
.data:00B92500 db 0CEh, 0CFh, 0E0h, 0D3h, 44h, 55h, 0DCh, 0E7h, 10h, 21h
.data:00B92500 db 20h, 0Eh, 0Fh, 13h, 0F2h
255 Draw Points, that the Field Script can reference. Each value is a spell ID, whether the draw point refills, and whether the draw point gives a low or high yield.
Example: You want to edit Draw ID 15
- 15 -1 = 14 (want to start counting from 0 instead of 1)
- 792500 + 14 = 79250E (location of Draw ID 15)
If you want to set it to give Cure, which is MagicID #15 in the bin, then you input the following value:
- 0x15 (Cure, no refill)
- 0x55 (Cure, refills)
Represented in binary, it’d look like this:
- 0x15 = 00010101 (Cure, no refill)
- 0x55 = 01010101 (Cure, refills)
The 01 at the start of 0x55 is two bits that set a bool for refill. Keep an eye out for that when setting the value (I think I added this note for debugging or something)
Visiblity seems to be set from Field in group’s Init. 0 for hidden, 1 for visible.
From the Wiki (some additional info on how it works, like refill):
State ID | Description |
0 | Fully stocked |
1 | Partially stocked |
2 | Empty but refills (white swirl) |
3 | Empty and doesn’t refill (blue swirl) |
Draw points start off at state 0 and move to state 2 or 3 when drawn from. There are two flags for each draw point, one which defines if the draw point is rich, and one which defines if it refills.
Draw Points
magic_id = byte & 0x3F refill = (byte » 6) & 1 (0x40) extra_magic = byte » 7 (0x80)
Walk-Restock Check:
- Every 10,240 steps it checks it
- Var 164 (savegame + 0xE14)
Each Draw is then given a random number 0 - 32,767
- ended with 1 (x86 TEST opcode) for a 50% chance
- that it’ll be restocked.
Unknown16 in Field script binds Drawpoint to Variable
- Is usually the same as Draw ID.
- Stored at Field Vars 100-164 (Savegame + 0xDD4)
1st Bit determines the amount you can draw, calculated as:
- 6-15 if fully stocked with bit set
- 3-8 if partial, bit set/fully if bit not set
- 2-4 if partial, no bit set
World Map is: 2-5 with bit-set, 1-2 if not set
So in practice, if its = 0 you get 3-8 or 2-4.
if its = 1 you get 6-15 or 3-8
List default draw point
001 0 1 Cure - Balamb Garden courtyard
002 0 1 Blizzard - Balamb Garden training center
003 1 0 Full-Life - Balamb Garden MD level
004 1 0 Esuna - Balamb Garden library next to the book shelf
005 0 0 Demi - Balamb Garden cafeteria (only during Garden Riot)
006 1 1 Bio - Balamb Garden B2 floor
007 1 1 Thunder - Balamb outside junk shop
008 1 1 Cure - Balamb harbor
009 1 1 Fire - Fire Cavern
010 1 1 Silence - Dollet town square
011 1 1 Blind - Dollet Communications Tower
012 0 1 Scan - Timber Pub Aurora back alley
013 0 1 Cure - Timber outside the pub
014 0 0 Blizzaga - Timber Maniacs Building left room
015 1 1 Haste - Galbadia Garden lobby
016 1 1 Life - Galbadia Garden changing rooms
017 1 1 Shell - Galbadia Garden courtyard
018 1 1 Protect - Galbadia Garden ice rink
019 0 0 Double - Galbadia Garden auditorium
020 1 0 Aura - Outside Galbadia Garden during Garden war
021 0 1 Cure - Timber forests in a Laguna dream
022 0 1 Water - Timber forests in a Laguna dream
023 0 1 Thundara - Deling City park
024 0 1 Zombie - Deling City Sewers
025 0 1 Esuna - Deling City Sewers
026 0 1 Bio - Deling City Sewers
027 1 1 Fira
028 1 1 Berserk - D-District Prison Floor 9 - right cell
029 0 0 Thundaga - D-District Prison Floor 11 - right cell
030 0 1 Aero - Outside D-District Prison
031 1 1 Blizzara - Missile Base - control room
032 1 1 Blind - Missile Base room with G-Soldiers who ask to deliver a message
033 0 1 Full-Life - Missile Base - silo room
034 1 1 Drain - Winhill road south from town square
035 1 1 Dispel - Winhill town square
036 0 0 Curaga - Winhill Laguna’s room in the dream
037 0 0 Reflect - Winhill east road
038 1 1 Protect - Tomb of the Unknown King - outside
039 1 1 Float - Tomb of the Unknown King - north room
040 0 1 Cura - Tomb of the Unknown King - east room
041 1 1 Haste - Fishermans Horizon abandoned train station
042 1 1 Shell - Fishermans Horizon junk shop
043 1 1 Regen - Fishermans Horizon overlooking the sun panel
044 0 0 Full-Life - Fishermans Horizon Master Fisherman’s fishing spot
045 1 0 Ultima - Fishermans Horizon mayor’s house
046 1 1 Thundaga - Great Salt Lake past the dinosaur skeleton
047 0 0 Meteor - Great Salt Lake dinosaur skeleton
048 0 1 Curaga - Esthar city streets near city entrance
049 0 1 Blizzard - Esthar outside palace
050 1 1 Quake - Esthar outside Odine’s Lab
051 0 1 Tornado - Esthar shopping mall
052 1 1 Double - Esthar Odine’s Lab in a Laguna dream
053 0 0 Pain
054 0 0 Flare - Esthar Odine’s Lab in a Laguna dream
055 0 1 Stop - Sorceress Memorial
056 0 1 Stop
057 1 1 Life - Tears’ Point entrance
058 0 0 Reflect - Tears’ Point middle
059 1 1 Death - Lunatic Pandora Laboratory in a Laguna dream
060 0 0 Holy - Lunatic Pandora near Elevator #1
061 0 1 Silence - Lunatic Pandora
062 0 0 Ultima - Lunatic Pandora
063 0 1 Confuse
064 0 1 Break - Lunatic Pandora on the way to fight Adel
065 1 1 Meteor - Lunatic Pandora entrance
066 0 1 Curaga - Lunatic Pandora elevator room
067 0 1 Slow
068 0 1 Curaga - Edea’s Orphanage
069 0 0 Flare
070 1 0 Holy
071 0 1 Sleep - Centra Excavation Site
072 1 1 Confuse - Centra Excavation Site
073 0 1 Aero - Centra Ruins right ladder after the lift
074 0 0 Drain - Centra Ruins platform after the first staircase
075 0 0 Pain - Centra Ruins next to the dome
076 1 1 Thundaga - Trabia Garden in front of the statue
077 0 0 Zombie - Trabia Garden cemetery
078 0 0 Aura - Trabia Garden stage
079 1 1 Ultima - Shumi Village - above ground
080 0 1 Blizzaga - Shumi Village - outside elder’s house
081 0 1 Firaga - Shumi Village workshop
082 1 1 Tornado
083 1 1 Holy - White SeeD Ship
084 0 1 Cura - Ragnarok room with a red Propagator
085 0 1 Life - Ragnarok hangar upstairs
086 0 0 Full-Life - Ragnarok room with save point
087 0 1 Dispel - Deep Sea Research Center second level
088 0 1 Esuna - Deep Sea Research Center secret room
089 1 0 Triple - Deep Sea Research Center third screen on the way to Ultima Weapon’s lair
090 0 0 Ultima - Deep Sea Research Center fifth screen on the way to Ultima Weapon’s lair
091 1 1 Meltdown - Lunar Base room before the escape pods
092 0 0 Meteor - Lunar Base Ellone’s room
093 1 1 Haste
094 1 1 Slow
095 1 1 Curaga
096 1 1 Life
097 1 1 Stop
098 1 1 Regen
099 1 1 Double
100 0 0 Triple
101 0 0 Flare - Ultimecia Castle outside
102 0 1 Curaga - Ultimecia Castle storage room
103 0 1 Cura - Ultimecia Castle passageway
104 0 1 Scan
105 0 1 Esuna
106 0 1 Slow - Ultimecia Castle courtyard
107 0 1 Dispel - Ultimecia Castle chapel
108 0 1 Stop - Ultimecia Castle clock tower
109 0 1 Life
110 0 0 Flare
111 0 0 Aura - Ultimecia Castle wine cellar
112 0 0 Holy - Ultimecia Castle treasure room
113 0 0 Meteor
114 0 0 Meltdown - Ultimecia Castle art gallery
115 0 0 Ultima - Ultimecia Castle armory
116 0 0 Full-Life - Ultimecia Castle prison
117 0 0 Triple
118 1 0 Fire
119 1 0 Fire
120 1 0 Fire
121 1 0 Fire
122 1 0 Fire
123 1 0 Fire
124 1 0 Fire
125 1 0 Fire
126 1 0 Fire
127 1 0 Fire
128 1 0 Fire
129 0 1 Cure
130 0 1 Esuna
131 0 1 Thunder
132 0 1 Fira
133 0 1 Thundara
134 0 1 Blizzara
135 0 1 Blizzard
136 0 1 Fire
137 0 1 Cure
138 0 1 Water
139 0 1 Cura
140 0 1 Esuna
141 0 1 Scan
142 0 1 Shell
143 0 1 Haste
144 0 1 Aero
145 0 1 Bio
146 0 1 Life
147 0 1 Demi
148 0 1 Protect
149 0 1 Holy
150 0 1 Thundaga
151 0 1 Stop
152 0 1 Firaga
153 0 1 Regen
154 0 1 Blizzaga
155 0 1 Confuse
156 0 1 Flare
157 0 1 Dispel
158 0 1 Slow
159 0 1 Quake
160 0 1 Curaga
161 0 1 Tornado
162 0 0 Full-Life
163 0 1 Reflect
164 0 0 Aura
165 0 0 Quake
166 0 1 Double
167 0 1 Break
168 0 0 Meteor
169 0 0 Ultima
170 0 0 Triple
171 0 1 Confuse
172 0 1 Blind
173 1 1 Quake
174 0 1 Sleep
175 0 1 Silence
176 1 1 Flare
177 0 1 Death
178 0 1 Drain
179 1 1 Pain
180 0 1 Berserk
181 0 1 Float
182 0 1 Zombie
183 0 1 Meltdown
184 1 0 Ultima
185 1 1 Tornado
186 1 1 Quake
187 1 1 Meteor
188 1 1 Holy
189 1 1 Flare
190 1 1 Aura
191 1 1 Ultima
192 1 1 Triple
193 1 1 Full-Life
194 1 1 Tornado
195 1 1 Quake
196 1 1 Meteor
197 1 1 Holy
198 1 1 Flare
199 1 1 Aura
200 1 1 Ultima
201 1 1 Triple
202 1 1 Full-Life
203 1 1 Tornado
204 1 1 Quake
205 1 1 Meteor
206 1 1 Holy
207 1 1 Flare
208 1 1 Aura
209 1 1 Ultima
210 1 1 Triple
211 1 1 Full-Life
212 1 1 Ultima
213 1 1 Meteor
214 1 1 Holy
215 1 1 Flare
216 1 1 Aura
217 1 1 Ultima
218 1 1 Triple
219 1 1 Full-Life
220 1 1 Meteor
221 1 1 Holy
222 1 1 Triple
223 1 1 Aura
224 1 1 Ultima
225 1 1 Triple
226 1 1 Full-Life
227 1 1 Meteor
228 1 1 Holy
229 1 1 Flare
230 1 1 Aura
231 1 1 Ultima
232 1 1 Triple
233 1 1 Full-Life
234 1 1 Meteor
235 1 1 Triple
236 1 1 Flare
237 1 1 Aura
238 1 1 Ultima
239 1 1 Triple
240 1 1 Full-Life
241 1 1 Meteor
242 1 1 Holy
243 1 1 Flare
244 1 1 Aura
245 1 1 Ultima
246 0 1 Blizzard
247 0 1 Cure
248 1 1 Dispel
249 1 1 Confuse
250 0 0 Meteor
251 0 0 Double
252 0 0 Aura
253 0 0 Holy
254 0 0 Flare
255 0 0 Ultima
256 1 1 Scan