Author: nihil, hobbitdur

FF8 monster battle scripts are divided into 5 sections, init, turn, counter, death and pre-counter.
Each section contains code that is executed at different times during the battle.

  • Init: executes once when the monster is loaded into battle.
  • Turn: executes once the monster’s ATB bar fills. This happens after the monsters turn counter is incremented.
  • Counter: executes when the monster is targeted by a battle command.
  • Death: executes when the monster’s HP reaches 0 or it is afflicted with the Death status. (Eject may not trigger this section - this needs further testing.)
  • Pre-Counter: similar to counter but executed before it. Needs further testing. Seems to be used mostly for checking if the monster has the Death status and then change its animation. Ifs, variable assignments and stat changes can also be used. Launching an attack from this section crashes the game.

The order of execution when a monster is attacked is: pre-counter -> death (if killed) -> counter.
Note: pre-counter code will ONLY be executed after an attack that kills a monster if the monster’s death section has code in it (apart from “return”).
Note: if the death section is empty, it will function like a die opcode.
Note: if the death section is empty, it is mandatory for it to eventually execute a die opcode, otherwise the monster will continue fighting, even on 0 HP, making the battle unwinnable for the player and forcing them to run.
If running is not an option, this results in a soft lock.

  1. Opcodes
    1. Opcode 0x00 (0) - return
      1. Summary
      2. Parameters
    2. Opcode 0x01 (1) - print
      1. Summary
      2. Parameters
    3. Opcode 0x02 (2) - if
      1. Summary
      2. Parameters
      3. SubjectID
        1. General info
        2. Subject list
        3. Additional info:
          2. 2. Random Number Check
          3. 3. Status Check
            1. At least 1 member:
            2. All members of party:
          4. 4. Alive Count Check
          5. 5. Specific Entity Alive Check
          6. 6. Last Action / Turn Count Check
          7. 7. Entity Alive Check (In specific slot)
          8. 8. Sex check
          9. 9. GF Check (Not yet obtained)
          10. 10. Odin Acquisition Check (true if obtained)
          11. 11. Timer Check
          12. 12. Variable Check
    4. Opcode 0x04 (4) - target
      1. Summary
      2. Parameters
    5. Opcode 0x05 (5) - die
      1. Summary
      2. Parameters
    6. Opcode 0x0B (11) - useRandom
      1. Summary
      2. Parameters
    7. Opcode 0x0C (12) - use
      1. Summary
      2. Parameters
    8. Opcode 0x0E (14) - var
      1. Summary
      2. Parameters
    9. Opcode 0x0F (15) - gvar
      1. Summary
      2. Parameters
    10. Opcode 0x11 (17) - svar
      1. Summary
      2. Parameters
    11. Opcode 0x12 (18) - add
      1. Summary
      2. Parameters
    12. Opcode 0x13 (19) - gadd
      1. Summary
      2. Parameters
    13. Opcode 0x15 (21) - sadd
      1. Summary
      2. Parameters
    14. Opcode 0x16 (22) - recover
      1. Summary
      2. Parameters
    15. Opcode 0x17 (23) - setEscape
      1. Summary
      2. Parameters
    16. Opcode 0x18 (24) - printSpeed
      1. Summary
      2. Parameters
    17. Opcode 0x1D (29) - leave
      1. Summary
      2. Parameters
    18. Opcode 0x1F (31) - enter
      1. Summary
      2. Parameters
    19. Opcode 0x24 (36) - fillAtb
      1. Summary
      2. Parameters
    20. Opcode 0x25 (37) - setScanText
      1. Summary
      2. Parameters
    21. Opcode 0x26 (38) - statChange
      1. Summary
      2. Parameters
    22. Opcode 0x29 (41) - draw
      1. Summary
      2. Parameters
    23. Opcode 0x2A (42) - cast
      1. Summary
      2. Parameters
    24. Opcode 0x2E (46) - blowAway
      1. Summary
      2. Parameters
    25. Opcode 0x2F (47) - targetable
      1. Summary
      2. Parameters
    26. Opcode 0x30 (48) - untargetable
      1. Summary
      2. Parameters
    27. Opcode 0x34 (52) - enable
      1. Summary
      2. Parameters


Monster AI sections are composed of one-byte opcodes, each followed by a variable number of the bytes used as parameters.
These opcodes define the monster’s behaviour in battle.
Note: descriptions are written from the monster’s perspective, so “opposing party” refers to the party of playable characters.

Opcode 0x00 (0) - return


Opcode IfritAI name Size Short Description
0x00 return 1 End monster’s turn

This opcode is used to end the monster’s turn, preventing further execution of code.
It is mandatory for every battle script section to end with a return.



Opcode 0x01 (1) - print

Displays a battle message.


Opcode IfritAI name Size Short Description
0x01 print 2 Print text


Position Size Name Type Short Description
1 1 TextID int The index of the text

Texts are defined in section 7 of c0mxxx.dat files.
Each text has an ID, starting from 0 and incrementing with each subsequent text.
TextID corresponds to this ID.
Note that battle message speed is ignored.

Opcode 0x02 (2) - if


The if opcode allow to execute code only on certain condition

Opcode IfritAI name Size Short Description
0x02 if 1 Define condition


The if opcode is a really complex one with lots of different possibilities.
It is composed of a subject that define how the other parameters are used.
Then it uses 3 parameters for the condition: the left part of the condition, the right part, and the comparator.
So it does something like this: [ConditionLeftPart] [Comparator] [ConditionRightPart], for ex: COMBAT SCENE == 76
Then there is a jump param to define the jump size if the condition is not met

Position Size Name Type Short Description
1 1 SubjectID SubjectID Define what the if will be about
2 1 ConditionLeftPart Vary The left condition
3 1 Comparator Comparator The comparator of the condition
4 1 ConditionRightPart Vary The right condition
5 1 Padding Unused Always 0x00 (changing it has no impact)
6 2 Jump int The number of byte to jump if the condition is false


General info

The SubjectID defines what will be the type of the left part and right part of the condition
The Short text is a description of the subject id.
The Left text is the meaning of the ConditionLeftPart. {} is to be replaced with the value hold by ConditionLeftPart depending of Param left type
The Param left type define the type to use to translate the ConditionLeftPart
Same logic for the ConditionRightPart
The Param list can feed the param type with additional info.

Subject list

SubjectID Short text Left text Param left type Right text Param right type Param list
0 HP OF SPECIFIC TARGET HP_SPE of {} target_advanced_specific   percent  
1 HP OF GENERIC TARGET HP_GEN of {} target_advanced_generic   percent  
2 RANDOM VALUE RANDOM VALUE BETWEEN 0 AND {} int_shift   int [-1]
4 STATUS OF SPECIFIC TARGET STATUS_SPE OF {} target_advanced_specific   status_ai  
5 STATUS OF GENERIC TARGET STATUS_GEN OF {} target_advanced_generic   status_ai  
6 NUMBER OF MEMBER NUMBER OF MEMBER OF {} target_advanced_generic   int  
9 ALIVE ALIVE     target_advanced_specific  
10 ATTACKER ATTACKER subject10   complex  
14 GROUP LEVEL GROUP LEVEL OF {} target_advanced_generic   int  
15 ALIVE IN SLOT ALLY IN SLOT {} int_right ALIVE alive  
17 GFORCE OBTAINED Gforce to be stolen const Not yet stolen const [200, 204]
18 ODIN OBTAINED {} POSSESS ODIN target_advanced_generic   int  
20 STATUS OF ALL IN TEAM STATUS OF ALL IN {} target_advanced_generic   status_ai  
>20 Var var var_name   int  

If the SubjectID is > 20, it means the subject is of type var, the ConditionLeftPart is the ID of the var and the ConditionRightPart the value of the var to be compared

Additional info:

Here are additional info for some values


The ConditionLeftPart 0xCB (203) is persists across battles

  • Byte #1: 0x00 (Self / Last command user) or 0x01 (Any ally / opponent)
  • Byte #2:
    • 0xC8 (200): Own HP / Any opponent’s HP
    • 0xC9 (201): Unused / Any ally’s HP
    • 0xCB (203): Last command user’s HP (persists across battles) / Unused
  • Byte #4: Remaining HP percentage
    • 0x0A (10) = 100%
    • 0x09 (9) = 90%
    • . . .
2. Random Number Check
  • Byte #1: 0x02
  • Byte #2: Exclusive upper bound of range (0 to this value - 1)
  • Byte #4: Number to compare against
3. Status Check
At least 1 member:
  • Byte #1: 0x04 (Self / Last command user) or 0x05 (Any ally / opponent)
  • Byte #2:
    • 0xC8 (200): Self / Any opponent
    • 0xC9 (201): Unused / Any ally
    • 0xCB (203): Last command user / Unused
  • Byte #4: Status ID
All members of party:
  • Byte #1: 0x14 (20)
  • Byte #2:
    • 0xC8 (200): Opposing part
    • 0xC9 (201): Own party
  • Byte #4: Status ID
4. Alive Count Check
  • Byte #1: 0x06
  • Byte #2:
    • 0xC8 (200): Opposing party
    • 0xC9 (201): Own party
  • Byte #4: Number to compare against
5. Specific Entity Alive Check
  • Byte #1: 0x09
  • Byte #2: 0xC8 (Unused?)
  • Byte #4: Entity ID
6. Last Action / Turn Count Check
  • Byte #1: 0x0A (10)
  • Byte #2:
    • 0x00: Damage Type (Byte #4: 0x00 = Physical, 0x01 = Magical)
    • 0x01: Last command user ID (Byte #4 = Entity ID)
    • 0x02: Turn Counter that increases as soon as the ATB bar is full (Byte #4 = Number)
    • 0x03: Command (Byte #4: 0x01 = Attack, 0x02 = Magic, 0x04 = Item, 0x06 = Draw, 0xFE = GF)
    • 0x04: ID (Byte #4: Magic/Item/GF ID)
    • 0x05: Element (Byte #4 = Element ID)
    • 0xCB (203): Last command user party (Byte #4: 0xC8 = Own part, 0xC9 = Opposing party) TO BE TESTED
7. Entity Alive Check (In specific slot)
  • Byte #1: 0x0F (15)
  • Byte #2: 0xC8 (Unused?)
  • Byte #4: Target slot + 3 (e.g., 0x03 for slot 0)
8. Sex check
  • Byte #1: 0x10 (16)
  • Byte #4:
    • 0xCA (202): Male
    • 0xCB (203): Female
9. GF Check (Not yet obtained)
  • Byte #1: 0x11 (17)
  • Byte #2: 0xC8 (Unused?)
  • Byte #4: 0xCC (204)
10. Odin Acquisition Check (true if obtained)
  • Byte #1: 0x12 (18)
  • Byte #2: 0xC8 (Unused?)
  • Byte #4: 0x00 / 0x01 (true / false)
11. Timer Check
  • Byte #1: 0x13 (19)
  • Byte #2: 0xC8 (Unused?)
12. Variable Check
  • Byte #1: Variable ID
  • Byte #2: 0xC8 (Unused?)
  • Byte #4: Value to compare against

Opcode 0x04 (4) - target


This opcode defines a target, it must be used before any opcode that requires a target (like launching an ability).
If the target is a specific playable character who isn’t currently targetable, the character in the slot of the original target -1 will be targeted, if the original target was slot 0, the new target will be slot 1 instead.
Note that the original target will still be targeted by opcodes draw and blowAway.

Opcode IfritAI name Size Short Description
0x04 target 2 Print text


Position Size Name Type Short Description
1 1 Target TargetBasic The target

Opcode 0x05 (5) - die


Causes monster that executes this opcode to die.

Opcode IfritAI name Size Short Description
0x05 die 1 Causes monster to die



Opcode 0x0B (11) - useRandom


Picks one of 3 abilities to use randomly, then uses it.
Requires target to have been used.

Opcode IfritAI name Size Short Description
0x0B useRandom 4 Use random ability between 3


Position Size Name Type Short Description
1 1 MonsterLineAbility1 MonsterLineAbility The first ability line
2 1 MonsterLineAbility2 MonsterLineAbility The second ability line
3 1 MonsterLineAbility3 MonsterLineAbility The third ability line

Opcode 0x0C (12) - use


Use one ability, requires target to have been used.

Opcode IfritAI name Size Short Description
0x0C use 2 Use one ability


Position Size Name Type Short Description
1 1 MonsterLineAbility MonsterLineAbility The ability line

Opcode 0x0E (14) - var


Sets local variable that will be only accessible by this monster during the battle.

Opcode IfritAI name Size Short Description
0x0E var 3 Set local var to specific value


Position Size Name Type Short Description
1 1 Var LocalVar The var to store the data
2 1 Value int The value var is set to

Opcode 0x0F (15) - gvar

Sets global variable (accessible by all monsters).


Sets global variable (accessible by all monsters)

Opcode IfritAI name Size Short Description
0x0F gvar 3 Set global var to value


Position Size Name Type Short Description
1 1 Var LocalVar The var to store the data
2 1 Value int The value var is set to

Opcode 0x11 (17) - svar


Sets savemap variable (not sure how it it stored).

Opcode IfritAI name Size Short Description
0x11 svar 3 Set savemap var to value


Position Size Name Type Short Description
1 1 Var SavemapVar The var to store the data
2 1 Value int The value var is set to

Opcode 0x12 (18) - add


Adds value to local variable that will be only accessible by this monster during the battle.

Opcode IfritAI name Size Short Description
0x12 add 3 Add value to local var


Position Size Name Type Short Description
1 1 Var LocalVar The var to store the data
2 1 Value int The value to add to the var

Opcode 0x13 (19) - gadd


Adds value to global var (accessible by all monsters).

Opcode IfritAI name Size Short Description
0x13 gadd 3 Add value to global var


Position Size Name Type Short Description
1 1 Var GlobalVar The var to store the data
2 1 Value int The value to add to the var

Opcode 0x15 (21) - sadd


Adds value to savemap var (not sure where it is stored).

Opcode IfritAI name Size Short Description
0x15 sadd 3 Add value to savemap var


Position Size Name Type Short Description
1 1 Var SavemapVar The var to store the data
2 1 Value int The value to add to the var

Opcode 0x16 (22) - recover


Sets remaining HP to max HP.

Opcode IfritAI name Size Short Description
0x16 recover 1 Sets remaining HP to max HP



Opcode 0x17 (23) - setEscape


Allows/Disallows escaping in the current battle.

Opcode IfritAI name Size Short Description
0x17 setEscape 2 Sets ability to escape


Position Size Name Type Short Description
1 1 EscapeActivated Bool True to allow escape, False to deactivate

Opcode 0x18 (24) - printSpeed


Displays a battle message, respecting the battle message speed setting.

Opcode IfritAI name Size Short Description
0x18 printSpeed 2 Print text with battle message speed setting


Position Size Name Type Short Description
1 1 TextID int The index of the text

Texts are defined in section 7 of c0mxxx.dat files.
Each text has an ID, starting from 0 and incrementing with each subsequent text.
TextID corresponds to this ID.

Opcode 0x1D (29) - leave


Makes the monster in a specified encounter slot leave combat.

Opcode IfritAI name Size Short Description
0x1D leave 2 Makes a monster leave combat


Position Size Name Type Short Description
1 1 Target int Monster that’s made to leave

Target is the slot in which the monster currently is in the fight.
Note that if 200 is used, the monster executing this opcode will be used as Target.

Opcode 0x1F (31) - enter


Makes the monster in a specified encounter slot enter combat, by setting it’s Enabled, NOT Targetable and NOT Loaded flags to true.
Whilst possible, it is not advisable to use enter on an encounter slot if the monster in that slot is currently in the fight.

Opcode IfritAI name Size Short Description
0x1F enter 2 Makes a monster enter combat


Position Size Name Type Short Description
1 1 Target int Encounter slot of the monster

Target is the monster’s encounter slot, as defined in scene.out.

Opcode 0x24 (36) - fillAtb


Fills the monster’s ATB bar, readying it for its turn.

Opcode IfritAI name Size Short Description
0x24 fillAtb 1 Fills monster’s ATB bar



Opcode 0x25 (37) - setScanText


Sets the extra scan text to a specific battle text.

Opcode IfritAI name Size Short Description
0x25 setScanText 2 Sets extra scan text


Position Size Name Type Short Description
1 1 TextID int The index of the text

Texts are defined in section 7 of c0mxxx.dat files.
Each text has an ID, starting from 0 and incrementing with each subsequent text.
TextID corresponds to this ID.

Opcode 0x26 (38) - statChange


Sets a multiplier that changes a selected stat.
The base stat does not get changed, so if for example we use statChange to change a stat to 500% of its original value, we just need to set the multiplier back to 100% to set it back to its base value.

Opcode IfritAI name Size Short Description
0x26 statChange 3 Changes a stat


Position Size Name Type Short Description
1 1 Stat Stat The stat that will be changed
2 1 Multiplier int The multiplier for said stat

Note that Multiplier is multiplied by 10, so for example if its set to 0x28 (40), the stat will be multiplied by 0x28 * 0x0A = 0x190 (40 * 10 = 400)

Opcode 0x29 (41) - draw


Makes previous ability draw magic from target (use after opcode useRandom or use).
This magic is stored, and if draw is used again, it will replace the previously stored magic.
In the case where draw is used on a playable character that has no magic or a monster, the message showing what magic was stolen will appear only the first time and a nameless magic with no effect that looks and sounds like Cure will be stored.
If a monster uses draw on itself and then uses cast, the game will crash.

Opcode IfritAI name Size Short Description
0x29 draw 1 Draws magic



Opcode 0x2A (42) - cast


Casts magic that’s been stored by using the draw opcode.
Using this after the monster used draw on itself will crash the game.
Note that if no magic has been stored, this opcode will do nothing.

Opcode IfritAI name Size Short Description
0x2A cast 1 Casts drawn magic



Opcode 0x2E (46) - blowAway


Makes previous ability blow away magic from target (use after opcode useRandom or use).
Note that blown away magic is removed from junctions too.
Does nothing if the target has no magic.

Opcode IfritAI name Size Short Description
0x2E blowAway 1 Blow away magic



Opcode 0x2F (47) - targetable


Sets this monster’s NOT Targetable flag to False.

Opcode IfritAI name Size Short Description
0x2F targetable 1 Makes monster targetable



Opcode 0x30 (48) - untargetable


Sets this monster’s NOT Targetable flag to True.

Opcode IfritAI name Size Short Description
0x30 untargetable 1 Makes monster untargetable



Opcode 0x34 (52) - enable


Sets this monster’s Enabled flag to True.

Opcode IfritAI name Size Short Description
0x30 untargetable 1 Enables monster


Position Size Name Type Short Description
1 1 Target int Encounter slot of the monster

Target is the monster’s encounter slot, as defined in scene.out.