
  1. When a 60 FPS mod will come ?
  2. Why FMV will not be in 4K ?
  3. Why FF8 is not fully modded yet ?
  4. Why are the different version so different ?
  5. What is better, FFNx or Tonberry for 2013 version ?
  6. Will FFNx/JunctionVIII be compatible with remaster ?

When a 60 FPS mod will come ?

Not soon, we just implemented the technical possibility, now someone need to change all animation. Which might be yet impossible on characters.

Why FMV will not be in 4K ?

Axlrose answer:

I’ll go 4k in the future, but for that to happen: - the FFNx driver for FF8 has to support 16:9 aspect and 60fps on FMVs, I have done the testing already, and at 4k 60fps, even 30fps 4k they feel pretty smooth, but, keeping the current aspect and going 4k (height), the video playback is laggy - I’ll go 4k, only when at true 16:9, by filling out the areas on the side black bars by out-painting each frame (not by zoom/crop like others like to do, killing areas of the video), AIs are not mature enough for that yet (at least for video, they are pretty good for static images, but one AI is very promising for that and in early development, can’t remember it’s name)

Why FF8 is not fully modded yet ?

3 mains reasons:

  • Technical difficulties: The game is done in a way that make the retro-enginerring complex
  • Not loved enough: We lack of task force ! FF7 had many people, here we are just a bunch of fanatics
  • 2 versions: We need to make everything working on two version (not counting 2000 release and PSX), 2013 and Remastered, that are two games with different technologies. So double work !

Why are the different version so different ?

2000 and 2013 are the same game ( literally on binary level ).
The only difference is that the 2013 has at the end of the exe some steam related stuff, but all the addresses match
Remastered instead is a completely different beast because it has the 2000 binary decompiled, and recompiled in 64bit
Reason for it is because they had to release the game to consoles that do not run 32bit games anymore ( Switch, PS4, Xbox One, Android, etc. )

What is better, FFNx or Tonberry for 2013 version ?

Tough question. Tonberry is old but it is the only wrapper compatible for mcindus mod. If you want the current best graphical experience with MCINDUS mods, go for it.
FFNx is the futur, and will replace sooner or later Tonberry. It allows to have same graphics than PSX, full analog control, new music,… But the graphics need to be adapted, which MCINDUS hasn’t work on it yet.
If you don’t mind to play on PSX graphics, then go for FFNx, you’ll find everything better than tonberry.
Also, some MCINDUS mods have been already ported to FFNx (cf list above), and an installer for FFNx exist (https://discord.com/channels/318179907098116106/1277618050065104998/1277621238193328262)

Will FFNx/JunctionVIII be compatible with remaster ?

Short answer: Not soon
Long answer: We hope it will happen but it is really complex to do so it totally depend on the workload done on it and luck.